Dominate your local sports coverage
Real-time scores, videos and pictures
on your website and on-air all at no cost
How it works
How it works
ScoreStream is fan-driven, meaning all the scores, photos and videos come from real fans in the stands.

This coverage drives our partner's real-time scoreboard, photo and video galleries and our suite of online tools. It's all 100% free and gives you everything you need to be the local sports leader in your market.
Scoreboard Widgets
Scoreboard Widgets
Real-time scores on your website
- Customize your teams, colors and styles
- Desktop & mobile responsive design
- Copy & paste website integration
- Publisher retains 100% of ad revenue
Powering scoreboards across the internet
Publisher Tools
Publisher Tools
Every game, score, post and photo in one spot! Customize your team page today!
Save time using our back-end publisher tools.
- Schedule games in advance
- Manage coverage from your desktop
- Use the app to report live scores on site
- Power your scoreboard widgets, mobile app and on-air ticker at the same time
Extend Your Reach and Engage Fans
Extend Your Reach and Engage Fans
Use our promo maker to produce high quality images to share on social media and on your website!

- Create professional game matchup cards
- Increase your Twitter engagement with graphics
- Post in games on the ScoreStream app to promote your tune-in and game coverage
Over 10,000 live games per week
What are you waiting for?